
Street Arts Festival Mostar je inicijativa urbane, ulične umjetnosti i kulture koji ove godine slavi sedmi rođendan. Pokrenut je 2012. kao pokušaj da se aktiviraju i ujedine kreativni, mladi stvaraoci  te da im se omogući vrijeme i mjesto da djeluju u javnom prostoru grada.

S već šest godina iza sebe ovaj festival je stvorio prepoznatljivu multikulturalnu platformu ulične umjetnosti u Mostaru koja je, zahvaljujući svojoj energiji, povezala više stotina autora iz Mostara, regije ali i cijelog svijeta, iznjedrila više stotina umjetničkih radova te time pretvorila mostarske ulice  veliku galeriju ulične umjetnosti koja postaje prepoznata u cijelom svijetu.

Ugostit ćemo umjetnike iz BiH, Hrvatske,Srbije, Argentine, Brazila, Italije, Austrije i Njemačke.

Osim murala koji se oslikavaju, za vrijeme trajanja Festivala, organizira se šarolik kulturni program za sve generacije u sklopu kojeg se kroz druženja razmjenjuju ideje , planiraju buduće suradnje i afirmmiraju mladi umjetnici.  

Tokom mjeseca Juna/ lipnja mostarske fasade bit će pretvorene u slikarska platna i obogaćene novim muralima. Posjetite naše programe i upoznajte umjetnike i kreativce koje ćemo ugostiti.

Za više inforacija o programu i umjetnicima posjetite:

Našu facebook stranicu: Street Arts Festival Mostar
ili instagram profil: streetartsfestivalmostar


Street Arts Festival Mostar, celebrating its seventh birthday this year, is an initiative promoting urban street art and culture. The festival was launched in 2012 as an attempt to inspire and unite creative, young artists and give them a time and place to occupy public space in the city.

For six years now, the festival has created a recognizable multicultural platform for street art. Thanks to the festival’s energy, we have joined hundreds of artists from Mostar, the region and the rest of the world, while producing hundreds of works of art, thus transforming the streets of Mostar into a large street art gallery that is recognized all over the world.

We will welcome artists from BiH, Croatia, Serbia, Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Austria, and Germany.

Apart from the murals that are being painted during the festival, a varied cultural program is organized for all ages. In this way, young artists have the chance to support each other, exchange ideas through socializing, and plan future cooperation.

During the month of June, the facades of Mostar will be transformed into paintings and refreshed with new murals. Come to our events during the program and get to know the artists and other creative people who will be our guests.

For more information about the program and artists, visit:

Our facebook page: Street Arts Festival Mostar
Or instagram profile: streetartsfestivalmostar